Which Essential Cybersecurity Terms Do You Know? Unveiling 30+ Key Concepts

Which Essential Cybersecurity Terms Do You Know? Unveiling 30+ Key Concepts

cybersecurity concepts
cybersecurity concepts

When it comes to a cybersecurity professional it is not only about expertise but you need to be well versed on the job. This is hardly a matter of surprise when a new expertise enters the field. By being able to converge the language of cybersecurity concepts you project experience and competency to the customers that is assuring for the customers. Keeping all these things in mind here are a few terms that you need to know

Terms of Cybersecurity


The process of identifying a user ensures that they have access to the system and the files. This can be accompanied by security measures like a password.

Data breach

This is one of the cybersecurity terms that you may have come across lately. It means a hacker breaks into a system and gains control over the data exposing the system.


A series of computers along with associated peripherals that are all connected as a single entity.


It is  a cybersecurity glossary that is a combination of the words robot and network. These attacks tend to emerge in various forms.


It is one of the cybersecurity terms that stands for distributed denial of service and you end up using multiple hosts and users.


A means of attack on a computer system either by infected data, malicious software or a series of commands. The hacker used a malware exploit to gain access to the credit card server.


Any technology be it hardware or software to keep intruders out


Coding is used to protect the information from the hackers. You may think of it as a code cipher used to dish out a top-secret coded message.

Hacker white hat

A hacker who is out to test the servers or computer systems checking for vulnerabilities. Cybersecurity concepts terms it as benign hackers as they are also referred to as ethical hackers.

Hacker black hat

Any hacker who aims to gain unauthorized access to the system where they intend to cause theft, damage or mischief.

Man in the middle attack

Most of us would be familiar with this cybersecurity terminology. It is defined as the WI- Fi system which connects the users to the internet.


A combination of malicious and software describing the bad software that infects or damages a system. Worms, viruses and trojans are all examples of malware.


A familiar cybersecurity terminology is where malware hijacks the system and encrypts the files. This denies the access to them until you send them money to unlock everything.


A scam where a hacker poses to be a legitimate user or an organization so as to fool the victim into giving out sensitive information. One of the cybersecurity concepts is well-planned and executed.


This is when a hacker changes the IP address of an email so that it resembles a scenario where it comes out from a trusted source.


A form of malware that is being used by hackers to spy on your computer activities. If a mobile device is affected by spyware a hacker can read your text messages.


In cybersecurity terminology, it is referred to as a Virtual Private Network that connects a series of devices and computers in a private encrypted network.

Trojan Horse

It is another form of malware that is a misleading computer program that looks innocent. It allows a hacker entry through the back door.


Malware which changes everything or destroys information that is passed on to other systems usually by otherwise benign means.


The worm that can reproduce itself to spread out spread the network. They are known to slow down a computer by eating into the resources.

IP address

One of the common cybersecurity terms that stands for internet protocol. It is a series of numbers that is allocated to computer routers, servers and pretty much anything connected to the computers.


A group of applications that instruct a computer to complete a task. Here the users can download and use a package that contains these instructions. Google Chrome is one such example of application software.

BYOD (Bring your own device)

BYOD is a company policy that permits, mandates and encourages employees to access enterprise systems and data using their devices.


It is a collection of software or programming tools that allows hackers to remotely control a network or computer.

Cloud computing

Most of us would be familiar with the cybersecurity terminology if you are using Gmail for storage. All the services are provided on the cloud that is connected via the internet.

By now you are aware of the numerous cybersecurity terms it is the right time to enhance your cybersecurity skills. You can learn the course or upgrade the same if you have some reasonable knowledge about it.

Penetration testing

Also referred to as pen test stimulates a cyberattack on the computer system in looking  for weakness that may be exploited.

The Internet of things

The phrase internet of things refers to the common place items that are connected to the internet and are capable of transferring data without human input. This is a common cybersecurity glossary term that most of us are aware of in modern times.


A couple of computers are connected to share files or exchange resources. The connection to the computer can be done by cables, radio waves, phone lines etc.


The newest virus detection technology is integrated into the anti-virus system to shield users against viruses, worms and trojans.

Pen testing

An approach to security evaluation where automated techniques and manual interventions are used to attack security professionals.

Social engineering

Rather than breaking or utilizing hacking techniques Social engineering is a popular way to access restricted resources.


A form of video or audio that has been altered and changed to make it authentic or credible. In this manner, the victim can use the victim’s click against them.


The moment you are tricked into clicking on one object on a web page when they want to click this practice of clickjacking.

User Authentication

A technique that prevents unauthorized users from accessing sensitive data is user authentication. A user will only be able to see data that is relevant.

Multi-factor authentication

This is also referred to as two-way authentication makes it difficult for the hackers to access your network where they have to provide a couple of credentials.


Now that you have learned all the important terms about cybersecurity, it’s important to be aware of these kinds of attacks and know how to protect your business from them. 

For the best IT security solutions, you can check out Purple Rock, a leading cyber security provider company from Dubai. They offer essential services such as data protection, infrastructure solutions, and cloud-based data security. For more information, visit the Purple Rock website today.


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